At this time of year, many people begin to think of Christmas purely from a secular, commercial perspective. Very little thought is given, even among Christians, about the Biblical revelation given in the Bible about Jesus’ incarnation. And sometimes, when it is mentioned, it is interpreted through natural reasoning instead of what the text says.

In this brief article, I want to look at the texts and see how everything had God’s hand upon it. It was completely inspired and carried out by the Holy Spirit through dreams, visions, and God’s voice with people responding at the right times.


  1. Announced and named by the angel Gabriel. Luke 1:26-35.
  2. An angel speaks to Joseph in a dream. Matt.1:20.
  3. Wise men obey divine direction to not report to Herod. Matt.2:12.
  4. Angels appear to the shepherds. Luke 2:8.
  5. Angel in a dream to Joseph to go to Egypt. Matt. 1:13-15.
  6. Angel in a dream to Joseph to depart Egypt and go back to Israel. Matt. 2:22-23.
  7. Angelic hosts. Luke 2:13-14.
  8. Revelation to Simeon. Luke 2:25-28.
  9. Anna bears witness. Luke 2:36-38.


John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus laid aside temporarily His glory to become the perfect God/Man assume our sins, die in our place, and redeem us by His precious blood (John 17:5, 1Pet.1:18-19).

He could not redeem us as an angel or God, but as a man fulfilling all the requirements of the Mosiac law, a sacrifice acceptable to the Father. He paid a debt He did not owe but we did. He died for and AS us. He was our substitute.

For those who believe IN Him, not just mentally, but with their inner being, He accepts (John 1:12-13). “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:10).

TODAY is the day of salvation!