

Congratulations on being chosen to lead our great country for the next four years! Millions of Americans believe that you should be our president for the next four years, as evidenced by the overwhelming vote.  Many Christians have been praying for you that our Lord would protect, and guide you into this office and into the way He wants our country to go. You have been given an opportunity to complete the good things that you started during your first term in office. Obviously our enemy, the devil, doesn’t want you to be successful as evidenced by the assassination attempts. However, I believe the Lord has protected you so that you can fulfill His plans.

As a Pastor, there are some things that I believe you can do that will enable more citizens to go along with your agenda. A bullying, arrogant attitude may be at times needed in the secular business world, but is less acceptable in the office of President, especially to the Christians who are praying for you. That is not to say that you need to be an easy pushover by those who would bend you to their belief systems. A great leader is one that can be both strong and humble when he realizes his source of strength and position comes from Almighty God and not his own abilities. These characteristics are  best expressed by one’s words.

I would encourage you to develop a lifestyle of reading the Bible, especially the New Testament, which will give you insight into the will and mind of God and His plans for mankind on the earth. This activity will open your eyes to many truths that will guide in decision-making as well as a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus!

Mr.President, most Americans, especially Christians, want to see you be successful as the Leader of the USA and the free world, because we know that when America is blessed by God His blessings will be experienced by many, many others.

God bless you, Mr. President, and may His richest blessings be on you, your family, and staff, and God bless the USA!

Pastor Carroll Parish