

Strange title, but truthful. Luke 16:16 says, “The law and prophets were until John, since that time the kingdom is preached.” John the Baptist was sent to prepare a people for the Lord. His message was, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” (Matt.3:2). Jesus, when He came, preached the same (Matt.4:17). Jesus told His disciples in the Sermon on the Mount to proclaim the kingdom (Matt.6:10). Jesus often mentioned the kingdom’s presence in His preaching and teaching (Matt.10:7, Matt.12:28). And when He sent His disciples out He told them to do the same (Luke 10:9,11, Mark 1:15, Luke 11:20). Jesus taught that the kingdom was within or among His disciples (Luke 17:26-27) and it consisted of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Spirit (Romans 14:17). He, furthermore, indicated that it was also future (Mark 14:25).

Jesus said that entrance into the kingdom was through the new birth (John 3:3,5). He also said it was more than words but also power (1 Cor.4:20). Any time and place we see the manifestation of the Spirit of God we are seeing the kingdom being revealed.

When Jesus returns to set up the physical manifestation of His kingdom, every eye will see Him (Rev.1:7, 1 Cor.15:50-53, 1 Thess.4:13-18, 2 Thess.1:10). To prepare for that day, it is the calling of His disciples to preach the “message of the kingdom” to every people group before the “end” comes (Matt.24:14).

When Jesus returns, He will deal with Satan (Rev.12:10) the antichrist, false prophet, and other Christ rejecters (Rev.19:10-21). He will set up His earthly kingdom on the New Earth and reign forever with the redeemed (Rev.21-22).

Let’s live a victorious life now on the earth and work with Him in His kingdom (2 Cor.6:1).