Some people’s default setting in their thinking is ‘yes’ He does because they believe that ultimate He controls everything that happens in His creation.
Recently, a man I have known for several decades who is a committed disciple of Jesus said about the covid 19 virus that it was the judgment of God because of mankind’s disobedience. And if one’s view of God only considers what is said about God from the Mosaic covenant, it is easy to see why he thought that.
Perhaps a little background might help.
God’s ultimate plan was for mankind to rule and reign with Him. We see this from the five-fold mandate He gave to Adam (Genesis 1:26-28). We see that Adam & Eve disobeyed God and plunged humanity into sin. Notice the depths of it from the following passages:
Romans 5: 12 – sin entered and death
Romans 5:14,17 – death reigned
Romans 5:18 – from one offense many died
Romans 5:16,18 – judgment because of that one offense
All the effects of sin have been removed through the work of Jesus through the Cross experience. Notice:
Romans 5:8 – while we were sinners Christ died for and as us.
Romans 5:9, 16, 18 – we have been justified
Romans 5:10-12 – we have been reconciled to God
Romans 5:17 – by His grace we reign with Him
Romans 5:19 – we were made righteous
For those who believe in and make Jesus their Savior and Lord, all these things are theirs today!
We should not interpret the New Testament through the lens of the Mosaic law. If we do, we find it is works-based, and God is seen as a rough taskmaster instead of a loving Father.
Then why do bad things happen? Because even though Satan has been defeated through the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus, He still lives on planet earth. He is out to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Someway, somehow he is behind anything that kills, steals, and destroys.
One reason we see so many bad things happening is because of sin on the earth, and believers not exercising their God-given authority to rule and reign with Him which is available today. Because we have been redeemed, every believer has the Spirit of Jesus living in us (Romans 8:9). This gives us many benefits not available to the person living under the Old Covenant.
The world system is opposed to the Word, and will of God, as well as, the work of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:40, James 4:4, Romans 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17). And it hinders the work of God.
After the resurrection ( 1 Corinthians 15:35-57, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) all the promises of God related to His Kingdom will be fulfilled (Revelation 11:15). Death, sorry, tears, separation, etc. will be removed (1 Corinthians 15:26, Revelation 21:1-5). Then, His ultimate plan will be manifest for all eternity!
So, we could say that Paradise was lost through Sin. Paradise was restored through the Cross. And Paradise will be totally manifest for eternity!